build with us

utility- Large Scale Solar Projects

core services

Utility-Large Scale Solar Projects

Committed to provide services for clean, safe, environment-friendly, green source of energy and best way to reduce carbon footprint globally.


We Are Offering Services To Support Business And Sector Development In Renewable Fields.

aditional services

Our Specialization

Committed to provide services for clean, safe, environment-friendly, green source of energy and best way to reduce carbon footprint globally.

MMS Foundation work

Precast Boundary & Fencing

Construction of MCR & ICRs.

MMS & Module Mounting

DC/AC Electrical works

EPC facility

I&C Services

Check our recent projects

As Solar power is a cleaner, faster-to-build and cost-effective alternative energy solution, so taking this forward We are working & implementing  currently on some awesome projects. & focusing on creating green and clean energy for a sustainable future.